Let’s Be Real

Most Legal Funding Companies charge your clients too much, push money into your cases and make it harder, not easier to settle when the time is right.

You try to persuade your clients NOT to take Legal Funding. We understand the difficult position this puts you in of balancing not helping them, while having them find a disreputable Funding company on their own that takes advantage of their situation.

You know your client needs cash, but you don’t have a legal funding company you’re comfortable referring that will actively work with your practice to fairly and reasonably co-align everyone’s interests (your client, you and the funding company).

You want to work with a legal funding company, but Only if they charge Fair and Reasonable Rates, while providing you and your client, the time to maximize the value of the case.

That’s why we started MINT. IT’S TIME FOR A FRESH, FAIR APPROACH. Here’s more of why we’re truly different.


Frequently Asked Questions

For Attorneys

  • We totally understand why. There are a lot of greedy legal funding companies out there pushing money into your cases despite your best advice.
  • Nonetheless, unfortunately many times your clients truly need an advance and are aware they can get funding despite your best efforts to disuade them.
  • Your client may find a funding company that you know is bad for them and will lever your client’s case and be detrimental to your ability to fully service them.

In these circumstances we hope you will give us a chance and recommend us to your client to show you why we’re different.

+ Why should I consider recommending MINT versus any other funding company?

  • We actively work with you to advance only amounts you feel are prudent.
  • We generally make several advances over the life-cycle of your case to mitigate any risk of over-funding and financially influencing your ability to effectively counsel your client to settle their case at its optimal time.
  • We serve as an active buffer managing the financial demands of your client and reinforcing the message that you are working on their behalf to maximize the amount of money they may receive for their case.
  • We are very easy to deal with and understand at the end of the case life cycle there may need to be some leeway on the amount due with fee interest. WE WILL WORK WITH YOU.

+ What’s MINT’s process like?

  • We make the process as easy and repetitive as possible. If you have a dedicated person in your office we will work directly with them.
  • We only ask that you or your personnel fill out a one page intake application form listing basic information which helps guide us to any additional information we may need.

+ What are MINT’s rates? Any additional fees?

  • Our fee rates are 16% each 6 month period the advance is outstanding. Non-compounding. Not prorated. Plus an application fee. Our rates are among the Lowest in the industry.
  • We generally make an advance based on what is requested and counsel advises. The application fee will vary depending upon the complexity of the case and the amount requested.
  • We expect to earn your confidence to refer business to us. But the only way we can do that is by you giving us a chance to show you. We understand that Attorneys may work with other funding companies. However, the only courtesy we ask is to guard against having multiple funding companies fund the same case. In this example we would either like the opportunity to negotiate a buy out of the other funding company or have them buy us out.

+ Would MINT potentially “buy out” another funding company I’ve been working with at your current fee rate?

  • Case circumstances and amounts advanced to date permitting by underwriting, Yes, this is possible.
  • We would essentially “refinance’ the existing lien on the case at a negotiated repayment agreeable to both the existing funding company lien holder and ourselves to allow for this.
  • The new “refinanced” advance would be subject to a new application fee for the underwriting review process.

+ Do I get any kind of compensation for giving you client referrals? Or referrals to other Attorneys?

  • As you may know legally that could be problematic from a professional ethics standpoint for client funding referrals. However, like any business there are transparent, acceptable ways to demonstrate our appreciation for professional referrals.