Refer and Earn $50

Refer a Friend or Attorney

 see terms and conditions below


Refer a Friend

In order to qualify for a Friend referral fee, ALL of the following terms and conditions must be met:

  1. The referring person must have previously received an advance from MINT.

  2. The referring person must be identified in the referral section of the friend’s original advance application.

  3. MINT must approve the friend’s application and provide them with an advance.

  4. A referring person can only receive one referral fee per case.


Refer an Attorney

In order to qualify for an Attorney referral fee, All the following terms and conditions must be met:

  1. The referring person (you) must be seeking a credit. This credit will be used toward your application fee.

  2. This credit is only available if this is the first time we are doing business with your Attorney.

  3. Only one credit is available for each New Attorney being referred.

Any discrepancy or disagreement regarding the terms and conditions to qualify for a referral fee are solely at the discretion of MINT Legal Funding. Only MINT in its sole discretion may determine if a referral fee is payable and to whom in the event of more than one individual’s claim for credit. The referral program may be terminated without notice of any kind and at any time.