Document Checklist


Motor Vehicle Accident

✓ Police Report

✓ Defendant’s insurance carrier, claim number, policy number and limits/Dec Sheet from insurance company. UIM info (if any)

✓ Medicals showing injuries (ER report, MRI’s, Narrative reports, Operative reports)

✓ Hospital admission and discharge summary

✓ Complaint

✓ Demand/ Offer letters

✓ Case status


Medical Malpractice

✓ Experts Report

✓ Complaint/Summary Judgment/ Answers

✓ Defendant’s insurance info (Carrier, Claim number, Policy limits and number)

✓ Medicals showing malpractice and treatments (Initial medicals, diagnostic reports, surgical reports)

✓ Bill of Particulars (BP) / Answers to interrogatories

✓ Economist/actuarial report if death or catastrophic injury

✓ Case status


False Arrest

✓ Police report/Investigative report

✓ Were the charges dropped (if so Certificate of disposition, Dismissal letter/order)

✓ Arrest Warrant

✓ Medical Records showing injuries and treatments if police brutality involved (initial docs, discharge report, ER record)

✓ Criminal Complaint

✓ Lawsuit summons and complaint (if filed)

✓ Demand letter/Settlement letter


Wrongful Termination

✓ Was this case filed with the EEOC? EEOC department of labor charge

✓ Summons and Complaint

✓ Settlement Offers

✓ Demand Letter


Wrongful Death

✓ Death Certificate

✓ Experts Report

✓ Copy of summons and complaint, Summary Judgment, Answers

✓ Defendant’s insurance coverage (Insurance claim number, policy number and limits)

✓ Initial medicals, diagnostic/surgical reports

✓ Bill of Particulars (BP)

✓ Letters of administration (any beneficiaries, surviving spouse?)

✓ Economist/Actuarial report



3rd Party Workers Compensation ONLY

(we Do Not fund straight WC cases)

✓ Accident/Incident report

✓ ER records, Initial meds, MRIs, X-ray Reports, CT scans, Neuro-Psych Report

✓ Hospital admissions and Discharge

✓ Summons and Complaint

✓ Demand/Offer letter

✓ Defendant’s insurance carrier, claim number and policy limits/number




✓ Settlement Docs

✓ Lien Acknowledgement

✓ General Release



Premise Liability

✓ Police/Incident/Accident/EMS Report

✓ Summons and Complaint, Answers, Notice of claim

✓ Defendants insurance carrier and claim number/policy limits/number

✓ Emergency room admission and discharge, Initial medicals, MRI, CT scan, X-rays

✓ Treatment records, Surgical reports

✓ Demands Letter/Settlement offer



Dog Bite Cases

✓ Incident/Accident/Police Report

✓ EMS/Ambulance Records

✓ Initial medicals, Treatment records

✓ Defendant’s Insurance carrier, claim number, policy limits/number, Dec sheet

✓ Was incident report to animal control? Report? Does the dog have a history of biting?



Labor Law

(in New York ONLY)

✓ Incident report/C2 Report

✓ Ambulance call report or detailed note from the atty

✓ Medicals showing injuries (ER records, Narrative report, Operative reports, Treatment records)

✓ Lost wages?

✓ Defendant’s insurance carrier, claim number and policy limits/number (if applicable)
